Thursday, August 25, 2011

the Unwanteds, by Lisa McMann

In the thrilling and imaginative novel The Unwanteds, Lisa McMann tells the story of thirteen year old Alex Stowe. Set in a society called Quill where the stiff minded and intellectual are treasured and the creative are sentenced to death, lives Alex and his twin brother, Aaron. Since a young age Alex knew he would be unwanted. He found pleasure in drawing pictures in the mud, which was the extent of art in a vast, desolate, and slowly rotting Quill. Aaron on the other hand was the embodiment of what Quill strived to be, strong, intelligent, and not at all influenced by his emotions, or so he would like to think. This exciting, fast paced novel is like a mash up of The Hunger Games and Harry Potter, with its dark theme and magical touches it truly is a great read.

Jolie, 15

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